Vicious Shred

Born from a passion and energy of heavy metal, to traverse the odyssey unto itself.

Reaction for the esoteric, shifting, compositionally migratory song Criminal by Rivers of Nihil.

“Criminal” by Rivers of Nihil is an intricate piece that defies conventional song structures, demanding a deeper dive into its esoteric composition. This track evidence of the band’s ability to weave complex musical narratives while maintaining a cohesive and powerful auditory experience.

From the onset, “Criminal” immerses the listener in a soundscape that oscillates between the realms of progressive death metal and atmospheric rock. The introduction is a haunting blend of ambient textures and dissonant chords, creating an eerie atmosphere that sets the stage for the journey ahead. This initial calm is soon disrupted by a torrent of blast beats and intricate guitar riffs, showcasing the technical prowess of the band.

As the first verse unfolds, the vocals emerge with a raw, almost primal intensity. The interplay between the guttural growls and the melodic undertones provides a dynamic contrast that keeps the listener on edge. The verse transitions seamlessly into the chorus, where the melody takes on a more anthemic quality. Here, the band employs a soaring vocal line that is both powerful and emotive, cutting through the dense instrumentation like a beacon.

The genius of “Criminal” lies in its ability to shift gears effortlessly. Midway through the track, the breakdown arrives as a sudden, yet welcomed, change of pace. The rhythm section takes center stage, with the bass and drums locking into a tight, groove-laden pattern. This section is a masterclass in tension and release, as the minimalist approach amplifies the impact of the subsequent return to full-blown intensity.

The bridge section is where Rivers of Nihil truly flex their compositional muscles. A series of time signature changes and polyrhythms create a labyrinthine passage that demands close attention. The lead guitar work here is particularly noteworthy, with solos that are both technically impressive and emotionally resonant. These moments of virtuosity are balanced by sections of atmospheric calm, where the band allows the music to breathe and expand.

As the song approaches its climax, the elements introduced throughout the track converge in a cathartic finale. The final chorus is delivered with an added layer of urgency, the vocals reaching a fever pitch while the instruments drive relentlessly forward. The outro fades into a melancholic soundscape, a final nod to the band’s ability to blend brutality with beauty.

In “Criminal,” Rivers of Nihil have crafted a song that is as intellectually stimulating as it is viscerally satisfying. Each part of the composition, from the verses to the breakdowns, serves a purpose in the overarching narrative, creating a piece that is greater than the sum of its parts. This track is not just a testament to the band’s technical skill, but to their ability to convey profound emotion through complex musical structures.


When they catch you with the gun in your hand
You'll never see the sunrise again

Yeah, you say that I live on the fringe
Did your savior complex run thin?
You call me a criminal
But I'm just in this shit to win
I don't pray like the innocent man
I get by on the wages of sin
I'm a criminal mama
Just look at what you did

When you put the gun in my hand
The soul leaves the body

There's no forgiveness
Pray to the western sunrise
Show me the man
And I'll show you what he's done

You're a criminal
Just look at what you've done
Now they're coming to find you
You'll never see the sun

Lock me deep in the dungeon
Throw away the key
I only did what I had to
But I know it's not just me

I'll put you to death
Make your soul leave your body
I'm no innocent man
I'm a criminal baby
But you put the gun in my-

There's no forgiveness
Pray to the western sunrise
Show me the man
And I'll show you what he's done
Let's stop pretending (Stop pretending)
There's still a western sunrise
At the end of a gun (End of a gun)
Just look what we've become

And we'll never see the sun
'Cause you put the gun in my hand

We're all criminals
God save us from ourselves
I'm a criminal
And I prey on the innocent man

Just look at what you've done
(You're a criminal)
Just look at what you've done

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