Vicious Shred

Born from a passion and energy of heavy metal, to traverse the odyssey unto itself.

Kittie’s Latest FIRE, a Reaction Burned Into the Psyche!

The new release is out, it’s in shipping and on its way! I’m stoked, and will review the new album upon its arrival. But for now, “Fire”!

Review of Kittie’s New Song “Fire”

Kittie has always been a force in the metal scene, and their latest release, “Fire,” is evidence of their enduring metamorphosis as a band. This song, both sonically and visually, delivers a potent amalgamation of intensity, emotion, and technical prowess that aficionados have come to expect from these metal stalwarts.

The Music

From the very first note, “Fire” sets a tempestuous pace. The guitar riffs are ferocious showcasing the band’s dexterous proficiency. The rhythm hums with resonant bass lines that provide a deep, sonorous backbone to the track. The drumming is a solid maelstrom of double bass hits and energy at a zenith.

One of the most notable characteristics of “Fire” is the vocal delivery. Morgan’s voice is as formidable and multifaceted as ever. She seamlessly transitions from guttural growls to melodic clean vocals, adding layers of profundity and emotion to the track. The lyrical content is raw and visceral, exploring themes of resilience and inner fortitude, which resonates profoundly with the listener.

The song’s structure is well-crafted, with a mélange of fast-paced sections and slower, more atmospheric moments that allow the music to breathe. The breakdowns are particularly crushing, providing a cathartic release of pent-up energy and aggression.

The Video

The video for “Fire” is a visual panoply that complements the song’s intensity. Set against a backdrop of flames and dark, industrial imagery, the video captures the essence of the song’s title and thematic elements. The use of contrasting light and shadow adds a dramatic effect, enhancing the overall mood and atmosphere.

Each band member is given ample screen time, showcasing their individual performances and highlighting their musical prowess. The camera work is dynamic, with rapid cuts and close-ups that add to the sense of urgency and chaos. The pyrotechnic effects are particularly striking, aligning perfectly with the incendiary theme of the song.

One of the standout moments in the video is the interplay between the band and the elements. Shots of the band performing amidst conflagrations create a powerful visual metaphor for the song’s lyrical content. This synergy between the music and the visuals creates an immersive experience that captivates the viewer and holds their attention throughout.

“Fire” is a triumphant resurgence for the band, reaffirming their place in the metal pantheon. The song is a masterclass in blending ferocity with melody, and the video is a fitting visual representation of the track’s explosive energy. Kittie continues to push the boundaries of their sound while staying true to the core elements that have defined their career. For long-time fans and new listeners alike, “Fire” is a blazing testament to the band’s enduring legacy and unyielding spirit. Kittie’s “Fire” is an essential listen and watch, offering a visceral, potent experience that leaves an indelible impression.


You say to me
That I should whisper
Stay quiet please
Silence has made me

Scream to a whisper
You silence me
A quiet rage
Blinded by anger
Light me up a rage so bright you cannot see
Lest you forget

I am a fire that you set
I am fire you’ll regret
Burn it all down
Watch it crumble

My body the match and gasoline
The spark
Ignites the devil in me
Light me up inferno out of control
I’ll take back what you stole
You forget

I am a fire that you set
I am fire you’ll regret
Burn it all down
Watch it crumble

I am a fire
I am a fire
I am a fire

So watch me burn
Watch me burn
Just watch me


I am fire you’ll regret

I am fire
I am fire
I am fire

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