Vicious Shred

Born from a passion and energy of heavy metal, to traverse the odyssey unto itself.

Reacting to the Gift that is Lucrecia, and their “Sleeping Slaves of Fate”

Song Review: Lucretia’s “Sleeping Slaves of Fate”

When it comes to the raw, unfiltered energy of modern metal, few bands can match the intensity and lyrical depth of Lucretia. Their track, “Sleeping Slaves of Fate,” is a visceral journey that melds crushing riffs, soaring vocals, and a narrative that is as thought-provoking as it is brutal.

Musicality and Composition

From the opening notes, “Sleeping Slaves of Fate” grabs you by the throat and refuses to let go. The track starts with an ominous guitar riff, setting a dark and foreboding tone. The rhythm section soon kicks in, driving the song forward with relentless precision. The interplay between the guitars and the drums is nothing short of masterful, creating a soundscape that is both chaotic and controlled.

The vocals are a standout feature of this track. With a range that can shift from guttural growls to hauntingly melodic highs, the lead singer delivers a performance that is both technically impressive and emotionally charged. The chorus is particularly memorable, with a hook that lingers long after the song has ended.

Lyrical Depth

Lyrically, “Sleeping Slaves of Fate” delves into themes of destiny, control, and resistance. The song’s narrative explores the idea of individuals being pawns in a larger game, manipulated by unseen forces. The imagery is vivid and evocative: a blade in the chest symbolizes the pain and struggle of holding onto hope in the face of deception, while the dust settling on a cobblestone pathway and a calm wind signifies a moment of introspection and resolve. The lyrics reflect a journey towards enlightenment and breaking free from manipulation, urging listeners to carve out their own paths through the darkness.

The song further explores the dichotomy of usurpers and reclaimers, as well as the timeless struggle for sovereignty and truth. The chorus reinforces the idea of unwavering resolve and a righteous path, unshaken by the challenges of a perverse world. The narrative arc is one of defiance and empowerment, capturing the essence of rebellion against fate and the reclaiming of agency.

Production and Sound Quality

The production quality of “Sleeping Slaves of Fate” is top-notch. Every element of the track is meticulously crafted, from the crisp guitar tones to the thunderous drums. The mix is well-balanced, allowing each instrument to shine without overshadowing the others. The use of atmospheric elements, such as subtle background synths and layered vocal harmonies, adds depth to the track, enhancing its overall impact.


“Sleeping Slaves of Fate” is a powerful addition to Lucretia’s discography. It showcases the band’s ability to blend technical proficiency with emotional intensity, creating a track that is both musically and lyrically compelling. If you’re a fan of metal that challenges both your mind and your senses, this song is a must-listen.


With this blade in my chest, I cry, as there is still light inside
As your fraudulent facade begins to fade away
The dust begins to settle upon this cobblestone pathway 
A calm wind begins to blow deeply through my heart
Sensations of serenity gently takes hold of me 
Cementing in our firm resolve
No matter how perverse the world had become 
We always walked the path we held true 
Grasp keys of tomorrow enveloped in horizons light
Casting shadows within our hearts

As I ponder the qualms in my heart do not stir
As my righteous path is paved in gold 

Extending open hands toward (I need you)
Whatever the future may bring
Chariots clues may set us free 
Usurpers or reclaimers (I need you)
We inherit the future no longer coerced by the skipping of times hands
Imbuing these last wishes with life 
Your efforts can not begin to extinguish the will of their actions
Death masks each guiding me toward the truth of the arrows light

I know your way,
My light forever
This beating heart will never quake

Do you see the future as it fades through your grip
Momentum's tides are starting to shift
Results are not all I desire 
When you seek the results you resign to shortcomings 
Losing sight of reality's truth

As I ponder the qualms in my heart do not stir
As my righteous path is paved in gold 
No longer will I waiver or refrain
Are we slaves forced to slumber
What resolve truly is, 
Is carving out 
Your destined path through the untraversed darkened waste
Now tell me were your actions born 
From some truth or just merely some superficial evil 

Don't make me repeat this 
We seek more than your worlds superficial truths
Truth is deeper than the likes of you could ever truly fathom
All that survives is reality 
Righteous truths that will not be erased
You'll never reach your end
Infinitely ceaseless, deaths requiem

As I ponder the qualms in my heart do not stir
As my righteous path is paved in gold
No longer will I waiver or refrain
Are we slaves forced to slumber

Their faiths are encased within me tethering heaven 
Scattering our dreams like stardust across the night skies 
You will never betray our hearts again
For I am the wielder of the arrows fate eternally 

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