Vicious Shred

Born from a passion and energy of heavy metal, to traverse the odyssey unto itself.

A Cataclysmic Reaction? Watch this Kayaklysm song “Goliath” with me and we’ll see!

Kataklysm’s “Goliath” barrels through the gates with the force of a sledgehammer, true to the band’s reputation for delivering unrelenting death metal. The track, laden with a barrage of drum blasts and riff-heavy onslaughts, offers a raw testament to the genre’s enduring visceral appeal.

The songwriting here is pointed and direct, avoiding overly complex arrangements in favor of straight-up aggression. Maurizio Iacono’s vocals are a standout, his growls a perfect match for the thematic heft of the track. The lyricism is potent, invoking the image of Goliath not just as a biblical figure, but as a metaphor for monumental challenges.

Kataklysm ensures the track’s energy never wanes, with Jean-François Dagenais’s guitar work providing a relentless forward momentum that is both invigorating and mosh-worthy. The production, clean yet powerful, captures the essence of the band’s sound without sanitizing its raw edge.

“Goliath” and its respective album is a solid addition to Kataklysm’s discography. It effectively demonstrates their capability to fuse thematic depth with bone-crushing metal. Give it a spin. 🤘🏻


Let's go to war

This time, I've had enough of tyranny
This time, I take my life into my own hands
The wall of giants can't stop me
My strength is immortal

All I see are parasites
All I see are traitors
Of a world you created

Scarred and broken, the sword of justice
My soul won't be in vain
As I walk through the valley of shadows and dust
Thy will be done

They told me that I would fail
They told me that the beast of fire's too strong
They never believed that this heart will set us free
It's too hard to miss

All I see are parasites
All I see are traitors
Of the world you created

No enemy is too big
David and Goliath
No enemy is too big
David and Goliath

You raged a war that you can't win
A tidal wave of heroes' blood
Underestimated, underrated
But I'll never be forgotten
For I am legend

No enemy is too big
David and Goliath
No enemy is too big
David and Goliath

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